Alejandro Celaya | Blog

Software development, agile methodologies and open source software.

tag Archive — "dic"

— 2018 —

Dependency injection in nodejs projects

Some of you know that I work now as a full stack javascript developer, and I have interacted with a few different projects, both in front-end javascript and in nodejs. My main concern about javascript has been that, apparently, the community has not adopted one of the practices that, for me, has bee…

— 2015 —

Managing objects creation and dependency injection with Zend\ServiceManager

Some time ago I wrote the most successful article of this blog, Advanced usage of ServiceManager in Zend Framework 2, explaining all the ways a service can be created by making use of Zend\ServiceManager, the service container component in Zend Framework 2. On this article I'm going to show a real e…

— 2014 —

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